
시간 내용 좌장 / 연자
08:25-08:30 개회사 – 인사말씀
Session 1 Recent Updates on Glaucoma Diagnosis좌장: 차순철 (영남의대), 성경림 (울산의대)
08:30-08:45 RNFL and ganglion cell imaging in glaucoma: recent updates 울산의대 김고은
08:45-09:00 Glaucoma diagnosis in myopic eyes 인하의대 김나래
09:00-09:15 New OCT and OCTA biomarkers in glaucoma 서울의대 이경민
09:15-09:30 Anterior segment OCT and mechanisms of angle closure 고려의대 박지혜
09:30-09:40 Discussion
09:40-09:50 Coffee break
Session 2 New Horizons in Glaucoma Research좌장: 국문석 (울산의대), 박찬기 (가톨릭의대)
09:50-10:05 Myopia and glaucoma: from imaging studies to clinics 가톨릭의대 박혜영
10:05-10:20 Big data, AI and glaucoma: where are we now? 부산의대 이지웅
10:20-10:35 Complexity of myopia and glaucoma: comments and questions서울의대 이은지
10:35-10:50 Glaucoma genetics, big data and personalized medicine: comments and questions서울의대 정진욱
10:50-11:05 Panel discussion: 박혜영, 이지웅, 이은지, 정진욱
11:05-11:15 Coffee break
Session 3 Invited Lecture 좌장: 김찬윤 (연세의대)
11:15-11:35 Nicotinamide- the new wonder drug for glaucoma?초청연자: James Morgan, Cardiff University, UK
11:35-11:45 Discussion
11:45-12:05 How to assess and predict progression in glaucoma?초청연자: Ryo Asaoka, Seirei Christopher University, Japan
12:05-12:15 Discussion
Group Photo and Lunch
Session 4 제일남명학술지원 수상자 발표좌장: 강자헌 (경희의대), 안재홍 (아주의대)
13:10-13:20 Assessment of dendritic pruning in mouse retinal ganglion cells using DiOlistics차의과학대 노승수 / 초록발표
13:20-13:30 녹내장에서 산화질소에 의한 S-nitrosylation의 역할 규명가톨릭의대 박혜영 / 초록발표
13:30-13:40 Discussion
Session 5 Holistic Perspectives on Glaucoma Management좌장: 유정권 (고려의대), 유영철 (건양의대)
13:40-13:55 Conventional vs. MIGS techniques: a comparative review and clinical experience연세의대 배형원
13:55-14:10 Use of amniotic membrane in glaucoma surgery 울산의대 이창규
14:10-14:25 Nutritional and lifestyle factors in glaucoma prevention and management건양의대 정종진
14:25-14:40 New glaucoma treatment strategy: insight from genetics, proteomics, and metabolomics가톨릭의대 정경인
14:40-14:55 Advancements in glaucoma imaging and diagnostics tools for optimal treatment strategies성균관의대 한종철
14:55-15:05 Discussion
15:05-15:15 Coffee break
Session 6 Understanding Glaucoma: From A to Z (Lecture for General Ophthalmologists and Residents)좌장: 김준모 (성균관의대), 박상우 (전남의대)
15:15-15:30 All about IOP measurement 건국의대 조윤혜
15:30-15:45 Optic disc, RNFL and OCT in glaucoma 경북의대 김대우
15:45-16:00 Understanding visual field tests 제주의대 하아늘
16:00-16:15 Navigating treatment options: medications, laser and surgeries한양의대 이원준
16:15-16:25 Discussion
16:25-16:30 폐회사
General Assembly